I am a retired police chief with more than 27 years of experience. I am invested in the policing profession, as well as the professionalization of its members.

Instructor and TABCJ Program Coordinator

  • 明矾
  • 教师
College of 创新与设计
AG / 222等
College of 创新与设计

吉米·沃马克 is a Navy veteran who served during Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm. He is a retired police chief with more than 27 years of experience as a community-oriented officer. He has also served as a school resource officer and instructor for gang resistance and training.

Womack has achieved many of the state's top policing certifications, including: Master Peace 办公室r, Special Investigator Instructor, 精神健康主任, Police Proficiency Instructor, 联邦调查局-LEEDA, and Advanced Complex Incident Command. 他也是S。.W.A.T. 认证.

Womack's career focus has been to achieve positions where he can apply his education and experience to positively impact the criminal justice profession. He is currently an instructor and program liaison for the competency-based criminal justice degree program at A&移动商务. He enjoys working with police agencies and officers to help provide the highest quality education possible. He is motivated by opportunities to help others achieve individual and collective success.

A Conversation with Jimmy

What would you tell a student who is thinking about attending A&移动商务?

In the words of Maya Angelou: “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel.”

This is something we often leave out of our learning objectives and professional skillsets. However, our university has woven the student experience into each program. We are very invested in the educational process, but we also treat everyone as an individual. We do our very best to meet everyone where they are in the educational process.

A&移动商务 has outstanding faculty and staff, and the most beautiful campus in North 德州. You owe it to yourself to come experience A&移动商务.

What draws you to your discipline?

I am a retired police chief with more than 27 years of experience. I am invested in the policing profession and the professionalization of its members.

What has been your favorite course to teach?

I must say that Ethics in Policing is one of my favorites. This is a very complicated subject and I truly enjoy seeing the different perspectives of each student.


  • M.S., 应用 Criminology, 皇冠体育365赌博&M University-商务, 2014
  • Bill Blackwood Law Enforcement Management Institute of 德州
    领导 Command College, Sam Houston State University, 2014
  • BAAS,商业,德克萨斯州&M University-商务, 2011
  • A.S.、通识教育、 巴黎专科学校, 2010
  • A.A.S,刑事司法; 巴黎专科学校, 2010


  • Mental health and policing
  • Sexual assault and family violence
  • Professionalizing policing

Professional Organizations


A commemorative coin inside a jewelry box.

By Cops, For Cops: A&移动商务 能力 Criminal Justice Degree is Transforming Law Enforcement

Law enforcement officers in 德州 and beyond are elevating their careers by earning their bachelor’s degree fully online through 皇冠体育365赌博&M University-商务. The university’s competency-based Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice degree program emphasizes law enforcement leadership and provides a convenient and flexible option for working officers to earn their degree while keeping up with […]
